A view from the hill

The Walking Coach ® Blog

Sandra Cunningham Sandra Cunningham

Why company executives are taking a walk

Think Executive Coaching, think stuffy office, stuffy boardroom and a therapist or coach sitting on a leather couch. Like many cringeworthy cliches, it's an image that smacks of a modicum of truth. But that’s exactly what Walking Coach has set out to change. And for good reason.

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Leadership and Culture, Nature Sandra Cunningham Leadership and Culture, Nature Sandra Cunningham

It's the little things

Do we believe that we have a right to trade a tiny being’s life for a moment of possible personal discomfort? Many of us do. However the harm we inflict on a tiny and ‘insignificant’, single wasp on the one hand, eventually scales up to the damage we do to ourselves, our fellow beings and the planet on the other.

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Sandra Cunningham Sandra Cunningham

Don't get stuck in the dark

Shorter, cooler days, and changing weather can certainly put the dampeners on things, signalling for some, a depressingly long period of doom,  gloom and lethargy, likely to last until spring. That’s no good if you have a demanding job, lead or influence others, and need to stay on top.  Here’s how to put some spring in your autumn step.

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Sandra Cunningham Sandra Cunningham

Sit down, tune in

When we slow down and ‘sit’ with nature in a companionable way, long enough to let our inner tensions dissolve, we eventually return to our true, most natural, open and receptive selves.

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